I think the most impressive and overlooked statement that came out of Munich 2025 was once again made by Zelensky. He immediately and unconditionally stated that the US position that Europe should not be involved in the peace talks was not acceptable toUkraine. No equivocation. No conditions. No shakedown for greater support (or minerals). Europe should listen to him more and the Americans less as he has experience dealing with ruthless and unpredictable wannabee gangster heads of state.
I hope Europe can step up and backstop Ukraine, giving them leeway to reject a deal that does not suit them. We owe this to them. On a more cynical, selfish level, we cannot let Russia regroup and come at Ukraine again or the rest of Europe will be imperilled—not only the Baltic North. I feel like too many of us in Western Europe particularly are complacent about this. Russia needs a pause to rearm itself, which will not take long with its centralised war-footing economy. It’s already dangled the possibility of “needing to intervene” in the Balkans, ostensibly to “protect” Russians there.
I am not optimistic. We rely heavily on the US for logistical and intelligence support, infrastructure the likes of which cannot be easily replicated, even with a lot of money and time. We had over a decade knowing this was a possibility yet all we did about collective security was twiddle our thumbs as usual. We’re unequalled when it comes to that if nothing else. Even during the Obama administration, Gates was urging Europeans to step up in 2011. That was before Trump talked about pulling the US out of NATO after 2016. It took the latest brutal invasion of Ukraine before most NATO countries bothered to increase spending at all. While Macron pushed for more “strategic autonomy,” he also quietly insisted on a disproportionately prominent role for the French defence industry, which rightly raised suspicions among the other European states, most of whom have never trusted Macron’s motivations to begin with. The idea never went far.
Only the Baltics and Poland really rose to the challenge—understandably, given their history under Russian occupation, plus the fact that Russia’s on their doorstep. They deserve a lot of credit for strengthening their forces. The rest of us should follow suit.
Dear Minna - I am encouraged to see the EU growing more unified and at the same time heartbroken and mortified the US is playing such a part in it. I will continue to pressure my representatives to reject the Trump doctrine and to keep our place with our NATO allies. Thanks for your perspective.
Seriously, Trump genuinely seems to think the US and Russia (as in: he and Putin can) divvy up Ukraine and call it a peace deal without so much as involving Ukraine or its people (unless Zylynski opens up to US corporations gratuitously helping themselves to any and all of Ukraine's resources at the expense of the country and its people).
Vance's speech in Munich was so painfully detached from reality that I can only assume the ignorance on display was and is willful, because anyone with even just basic awareness of Russian activity in Ukraine, Finland, Poland, the Baltic States and elsewhere over the past decades would know not to play down Russia's threat to Europe and the world.
When Hegseth speeched about Ukraine having to give up territory to Russia and not joining NATO, he misspoke only in the sense that he wasn't supposed to blurt this out in public, because I'm convinced this was and is the US government's internally agreed objective briefed to all involved internally that just wasn't supposed to be shared publicly.
Fine, now we know, as long as there's a US government that cozies up to Putin, the US cannot be trusted and will veto any attempt of Ukraine to join NATO. It's clear. Any attempt by US representatives to walk this back lacks credibility.
For all my criticisms of the EU and of EU member countries themselves drifting towards fascism, I kind of hope they turn that tide a little bit harder and faster now, while the EU fast-tracks some type of EU membership for Ukraine (especially while NATO is off limits to them) .
Vance is a creep, a charlatan, and an opportunistic chancer—but he is not an idiot. I agree that what he said in Munich was said quite purposefully, but (unlike this piece’s view of him) also that he is well aware of coalition dynamics on the continent. Vance’s comments were nevertheless stupid on a number of levels, no doubt at Trump’s direction.
Hegseth on the other hand was out of his depth, and I think you’re right: He said more than he was supposed to say. But then this is why Trump shouldn’t have nominated a Fox News talkshow host to oversee the world’s most powerful military and a bureaucratic Goliath. Yes, Hegseth went to Princeton, a good university, but so did a lot of other people in his country who would have been infinitely more qualified! The only qualification Trump clearly cared about was Hegseth’s boot-licking loyalty to his master.
Hello dear Minna. I know you from Dog Shirt Daily. I heard and endorse Ben’s Two Things Europe must do on the show yesterday. Did you hear them? I think you need to repeat them like a mantra, over and over. And repeat to everyone you know. They are DOABLE. My summary: 1. Keep Ukraine in the fight at all costs. 2. By doing that, you rattle trump and show him Europe is not completely dependent on U.S. … gives you “FU power.”
I am aghast, appalled and horrified that MY country has joined the fucking Axis of Evil. But it’s a fact. Every instinct you and Joel had about Munich was correct, and then you should multiply your darkest fears x 10.
The Visa thing is a GREAT idea. All the Tech Bros, executives, hoi polloi, State dept. & various govt folk …. annoy the hell out of them. Americans cannot tolerate inconvenience for 30 sec. and they will whine to trump, all day long. That’s a no-brainer, cheap & easy.
I’m terrified and hoping you tell other Europeans this ordinary American citizen’s perspective. The American govt + nearly half our population is a menace to the entire world. I’m screwed, but you aren’t—yet. These people who’ve seized my country are monstrously inhuman megalomaniacs. Vance is the purest personification of the sadistic psychopathy & religious zealotry that is MAGA. I cannot look at his face. No decent woman can.
TAKE ON ELON MUSK & ALL Social Media. Do it for REAL. It is eating us alive and it will eat you, too. Go to war with the algorithms because they are at war with you… and they are winning (see America the radicalized insane asylum).
I’m sorry to greet you with such alarm but there is no hiding it.
With love and indescribable sadness from the USA (or whatever new name for the Kingdom Donald may come up with next Tuesday).
They do exist to be fair: I don’t think (?) Jeremy’s talking about the most committed MAGA types, who are practically in a personality cult. He’s probably referring to the significant number of moderates and/or “Trump-lite” types (many of whom voted for Biden in 2020); they voted for Trump in November much more tentatively and are far less partisan. If you read some right-leaning stacks, for example, you’ll find an encouraging number of them who support Trump, at least for now, but only with an attitude of “well, let’s see what Trump can do, because we thought the last guy was awful, but I’m reserving judgement.” They’re giving him the benefit of the doubt, yes, but they’re not dyed-in-the-wool slaves to MAGA; they retain at the very least a modicum of scepticism.
I can anecdotally say I’ve been encouraged to see a lot of them expressing discomfort with Trump’s approach thus far. Likewise, more objectively, his approval has been steadily sinking since the inauguration across most polls. As it was, his early numbers were historically low for an incoming president. The question now is whether he continues to sink all the way back down to the anaemic approval ratings of his first term. Personally, I think they will, and sooner rather than later.
Little tidbit. The three large democratic economies that most lag the NATO 2% defence spending commitment are Germany, Italy and Japan (not a formal member, but good as). So Trump’s demand is really a call to Make the Axis Great Again. More seriously, a fully armed up Germany and Japan who don’t trust a US that has explicitly stated it rejects liberal democracy and is completely selfish and untrustworthy are not going to be bullied and pushed around by anyone, the US included. And that is the long run implication of the Trump regime’s “strategy” - a clear weakening of US power, hard and especially soft.
In a perverse way Trump administration is making a favor for whole Europe. Every US president past 30 years have told Europe they need to put more on defence, while we replied to them: "Yes, yes, sure. Now excuse me, I need to go buy more Russian gas". Well, this was done in Middle & West europe, but those in eastern flank... we never forgot our history. And we all are thankful for it now.
When it comes insults & antagonizing people, Trump is a gift that keeps giving. We should all thank him for it. Put a statue of him in Brussel to remind us, what was needed to wake up from our stupor.
Thank you Minna...again! However, I would add one more point yet., that is, the question of nuclear proliferation. For the beauty of the common nuclear umbrella, provided by the US for so many years for so many nations in Europe and Asia, has been the fact they have not needed to acquire their own nuclear weapons...at least until now. However, if the days of the common US nuclear umbrella would really be over, it is useless to imagine that all these "umbrella nations" would remain idle and just wait for their neighboring butchers to act... Instead, the inevitable result would be a global nuclear proliferation. And as the number of nuclear weapons increases globally, the risk and also the probability that they will also be used increases exponentially (if not otherwise, then because of pure human error...).
The US may leave, but not without consequences: are we to see a global rat race to the bottom? "What a beautiful world this will be..."
The United States is demolishing NATO, no country can or should trust us under Trump. I hope these counties can find a strategy to isolate us, how could they possibly share intelligence with us now? We may or may not save our democracy, but no country can afford to trust us anymore. Tragic.
Unfortunately, Trump and his minions are really stupid. They don’t know or understand history. They are bulls in china shops to a one. All they leave behind themselves is ruin, and they don’t have the education or culture to understand why. They actually may not have the brains to see what they are doing.
"If Europe were to implement these suggestions, the US would soon find Europe less willing (and, in all likelihood less able due to new tasks on the continent) to support its wars elsewhere. The US defence industry would also find Europeans less eager to buy American, in order to support the European industrial base." AND BE HOSTAGE to the US's acquiescence or NOT of using its weapons as they wish, incl. not being able to avoid getting inferior goods and a built-in kill switch.
JD Vance does not support conservatives in Europe. He supports only those ult-right who have been many times shown to be funded and promoted by Russia and Russian propaganda. All of those parties demand immediate removal of sanctions from Russia and stopping support for Ukraine. That's why Germans need to go and vote for any other party but the Nazis of AfD. JD - Trump - Musk do it in full coordination with Moscow.
Expect Musk right after the elections in Germany, where he promotes the Russia-back Nazi party AfD, he will turn full-scale on spreading fakes and lies about Ukraine and Zelensky in order to push them concede to Moscow. Please, if you know Germans, tell them go and vote! So no AfD gets power!
To late they are all drinking the kool-aid, they sit in congress everyday doing absolutely nothing. To scared of losing their seat.
Let’s be clear, they don’t care what is happening to our country, democracy and the people who voted for them. They don’t work for the people anymore, they are working for their dictator. They have no say when it comes to governing.
This is the new world order with the new Axis of Evil emerged: The USA, China, North Korea, Iran, russian terrorist state.
If the US keeps leading NATO, the institution itself is already obsolate and so is its Art.5.
With russian compromised, fascist Trump administration in power, Europe can count on the US no longer.
putin is continuing his invasion of Ukraine, Trump threatens Denmark with annexation of Greenland.
Simply, as economically powerful as the EU is, it might become the subject of destruction without a capable defence force. It seems that currently Europe, country by country is for grabs. putin Trump and Xi - they all want to end European Union because it is much easier to deal with single isolated nations than united continent.
I think the most impressive and overlooked statement that came out of Munich 2025 was once again made by Zelensky. He immediately and unconditionally stated that the US position that Europe should not be involved in the peace talks was not acceptable toUkraine. No equivocation. No conditions. No shakedown for greater support (or minerals). Europe should listen to him more and the Americans less as he has experience dealing with ruthless and unpredictable wannabee gangster heads of state.
I hope Europe can step up and backstop Ukraine, giving them leeway to reject a deal that does not suit them. We owe this to them. On a more cynical, selfish level, we cannot let Russia regroup and come at Ukraine again or the rest of Europe will be imperilled—not only the Baltic North. I feel like too many of us in Western Europe particularly are complacent about this. Russia needs a pause to rearm itself, which will not take long with its centralised war-footing economy. It’s already dangled the possibility of “needing to intervene” in the Balkans, ostensibly to “protect” Russians there.
I am not optimistic. We rely heavily on the US for logistical and intelligence support, infrastructure the likes of which cannot be easily replicated, even with a lot of money and time. We had over a decade knowing this was a possibility yet all we did about collective security was twiddle our thumbs as usual. We’re unequalled when it comes to that if nothing else. Even during the Obama administration, Gates was urging Europeans to step up in 2011. That was before Trump talked about pulling the US out of NATO after 2016. It took the latest brutal invasion of Ukraine before most NATO countries bothered to increase spending at all. While Macron pushed for more “strategic autonomy,” he also quietly insisted on a disproportionately prominent role for the French defence industry, which rightly raised suspicions among the other European states, most of whom have never trusted Macron’s motivations to begin with. The idea never went far.
Only the Baltics and Poland really rose to the challenge—understandably, given their history under Russian occupation, plus the fact that Russia’s on their doorstep. They deserve a lot of credit for strengthening their forces. The rest of us should follow suit.
Dear Minna - I am encouraged to see the EU growing more unified and at the same time heartbroken and mortified the US is playing such a part in it. I will continue to pressure my representatives to reject the Trump doctrine and to keep our place with our NATO allies. Thanks for your perspective.
Thank you for reading and for doing your part to keep the US in the transatlantic alliance !
Great piece!
Seriously, Trump genuinely seems to think the US and Russia (as in: he and Putin can) divvy up Ukraine and call it a peace deal without so much as involving Ukraine or its people (unless Zylynski opens up to US corporations gratuitously helping themselves to any and all of Ukraine's resources at the expense of the country and its people).
Vance's speech in Munich was so painfully detached from reality that I can only assume the ignorance on display was and is willful, because anyone with even just basic awareness of Russian activity in Ukraine, Finland, Poland, the Baltic States and elsewhere over the past decades would know not to play down Russia's threat to Europe and the world.
When Hegseth speeched about Ukraine having to give up territory to Russia and not joining NATO, he misspoke only in the sense that he wasn't supposed to blurt this out in public, because I'm convinced this was and is the US government's internally agreed objective briefed to all involved internally that just wasn't supposed to be shared publicly.
Fine, now we know, as long as there's a US government that cozies up to Putin, the US cannot be trusted and will veto any attempt of Ukraine to join NATO. It's clear. Any attempt by US representatives to walk this back lacks credibility.
For all my criticisms of the EU and of EU member countries themselves drifting towards fascism, I kind of hope they turn that tide a little bit harder and faster now, while the EU fast-tracks some type of EU membership for Ukraine (especially while NATO is off limits to them) .
Vance is a creep, a charlatan, and an opportunistic chancer—but he is not an idiot. I agree that what he said in Munich was said quite purposefully, but (unlike this piece’s view of him) also that he is well aware of coalition dynamics on the continent. Vance’s comments were nevertheless stupid on a number of levels, no doubt at Trump’s direction.
Hegseth on the other hand was out of his depth, and I think you’re right: He said more than he was supposed to say. But then this is why Trump shouldn’t have nominated a Fox News talkshow host to oversee the world’s most powerful military and a bureaucratic Goliath. Yes, Hegseth went to Princeton, a good university, but so did a lot of other people in his country who would have been infinitely more qualified! The only qualification Trump clearly cared about was Hegseth’s boot-licking loyalty to his master.
Hello dear Minna. I know you from Dog Shirt Daily. I heard and endorse Ben’s Two Things Europe must do on the show yesterday. Did you hear them? I think you need to repeat them like a mantra, over and over. And repeat to everyone you know. They are DOABLE. My summary: 1. Keep Ukraine in the fight at all costs. 2. By doing that, you rattle trump and show him Europe is not completely dependent on U.S. … gives you “FU power.”
I am aghast, appalled and horrified that MY country has joined the fucking Axis of Evil. But it’s a fact. Every instinct you and Joel had about Munich was correct, and then you should multiply your darkest fears x 10.
The Visa thing is a GREAT idea. All the Tech Bros, executives, hoi polloi, State dept. & various govt folk …. annoy the hell out of them. Americans cannot tolerate inconvenience for 30 sec. and they will whine to trump, all day long. That’s a no-brainer, cheap & easy.
I’m terrified and hoping you tell other Europeans this ordinary American citizen’s perspective. The American govt + nearly half our population is a menace to the entire world. I’m screwed, but you aren’t—yet. These people who’ve seized my country are monstrously inhuman megalomaniacs. Vance is the purest personification of the sadistic psychopathy & religious zealotry that is MAGA. I cannot look at his face. No decent woman can.
TAKE ON ELON MUSK & ALL Social Media. Do it for REAL. It is eating us alive and it will eat you, too. Go to war with the algorithms because they are at war with you… and they are winning (see America the radicalized insane asylum).
I’m sorry to greet you with such alarm but there is no hiding it.
With love and indescribable sadness from the USA (or whatever new name for the Kingdom Donald may come up with next Tuesday).
Great piece. I wish some good faith pro Trumpers (they exist!) would engage with it in the comments
They live next to the leprechauns?
They do exist to be fair: I don’t think (?) Jeremy’s talking about the most committed MAGA types, who are practically in a personality cult. He’s probably referring to the significant number of moderates and/or “Trump-lite” types (many of whom voted for Biden in 2020); they voted for Trump in November much more tentatively and are far less partisan. If you read some right-leaning stacks, for example, you’ll find an encouraging number of them who support Trump, at least for now, but only with an attitude of “well, let’s see what Trump can do, because we thought the last guy was awful, but I’m reserving judgement.” They’re giving him the benefit of the doubt, yes, but they’re not dyed-in-the-wool slaves to MAGA; they retain at the very least a modicum of scepticism.
I can anecdotally say I’ve been encouraged to see a lot of them expressing discomfort with Trump’s approach thus far. Likewise, more objectively, his approval has been steadily sinking since the inauguration across most polls. As it was, his early numbers were historically low for an incoming president. The question now is whether he continues to sink all the way back down to the anaemic approval ratings of his first term. Personally, I think they will, and sooner rather than later.
Little tidbit. The three large democratic economies that most lag the NATO 2% defence spending commitment are Germany, Italy and Japan (not a formal member, but good as). So Trump’s demand is really a call to Make the Axis Great Again. More seriously, a fully armed up Germany and Japan who don’t trust a US that has explicitly stated it rejects liberal democracy and is completely selfish and untrustworthy are not going to be bullied and pushed around by anyone, the US included. And that is the long run implication of the Trump regime’s “strategy” - a clear weakening of US power, hard and especially soft.
In a perverse way Trump administration is making a favor for whole Europe. Every US president past 30 years have told Europe they need to put more on defence, while we replied to them: "Yes, yes, sure. Now excuse me, I need to go buy more Russian gas". Well, this was done in Middle & West europe, but those in eastern flank... we never forgot our history. And we all are thankful for it now.
When it comes insults & antagonizing people, Trump is a gift that keeps giving. We should all thank him for it. Put a statue of him in Brussel to remind us, what was needed to wake up from our stupor.
Thank you Minna...again! However, I would add one more point yet., that is, the question of nuclear proliferation. For the beauty of the common nuclear umbrella, provided by the US for so many years for so many nations in Europe and Asia, has been the fact they have not needed to acquire their own nuclear weapons...at least until now. However, if the days of the common US nuclear umbrella would really be over, it is useless to imagine that all these "umbrella nations" would remain idle and just wait for their neighboring butchers to act... Instead, the inevitable result would be a global nuclear proliferation. And as the number of nuclear weapons increases globally, the risk and also the probability that they will also be used increases exponentially (if not otherwise, then because of pure human error...).
The US may leave, but not without consequences: are we to see a global rat race to the bottom? "What a beautiful world this will be..."
The United States is demolishing NATO, no country can or should trust us under Trump. I hope these counties can find a strategy to isolate us, how could they possibly share intelligence with us now? We may or may not save our democracy, but no country can afford to trust us anymore. Tragic.
Unfortunately, Trump and his minions are really stupid. They don’t know or understand history. They are bulls in china shops to a one. All they leave behind themselves is ruin, and they don’t have the education or culture to understand why. They actually may not have the brains to see what they are doing.
"If Europe were to implement these suggestions, the US would soon find Europe less willing (and, in all likelihood less able due to new tasks on the continent) to support its wars elsewhere. The US defence industry would also find Europeans less eager to buy American, in order to support the European industrial base." AND BE HOSTAGE to the US's acquiescence or NOT of using its weapons as they wish, incl. not being able to avoid getting inferior goods and a built-in kill switch.
JD Vance does not support conservatives in Europe. He supports only those ult-right who have been many times shown to be funded and promoted by Russia and Russian propaganda. All of those parties demand immediate removal of sanctions from Russia and stopping support for Ukraine. That's why Germans need to go and vote for any other party but the Nazis of AfD. JD - Trump - Musk do it in full coordination with Moscow.
Expect Musk right after the elections in Germany, where he promotes the Russia-back Nazi party AfD, he will turn full-scale on spreading fakes and lies about Ukraine and Zelensky in order to push them concede to Moscow. Please, if you know Germans, tell them go and vote! So no AfD gets power!
To late they are all drinking the kool-aid, they sit in congress everyday doing absolutely nothing. To scared of losing their seat.
Let’s be clear, they don’t care what is happening to our country, democracy and the people who voted for them. They don’t work for the people anymore, they are working for their dictator. They have no say when it comes to governing.
Making Europe and Canada great again.
This is the new world order with the new Axis of Evil emerged: The USA, China, North Korea, Iran, russian terrorist state.
If the US keeps leading NATO, the institution itself is already obsolate and so is its Art.5.
With russian compromised, fascist Trump administration in power, Europe can count on the US no longer.
putin is continuing his invasion of Ukraine, Trump threatens Denmark with annexation of Greenland.
Simply, as economically powerful as the EU is, it might become the subject of destruction without a capable defence force. It seems that currently Europe, country by country is for grabs. putin Trump and Xi - they all want to end European Union because it is much easier to deal with single isolated nations than united continent.
United European Defence Force is the must.
Why? Like what? We’re suddenly gonna have “law and order” ? Or a populous that’s not idiotic?